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UZH has chosen a participative approach for decision-making processes at all organizational levels. The four representative bodies (“Stände”) have voting rights in all panels, i.e., at the levels of the University (Senate), the Faculties (Faculty Assemblies), and the Departments (Department Assemblies). The bodies organize themselves; as a member of one of these bodies, you can elect your representatives in assemblies and their committees. You can find detailed information under:
The four representative bodies at UZH (and thus also at IPMB) are:
Students (S): Students enrolled in Bachelor’s programs, Master’s programs, and the Teaching Diploma for Upper Secondary Education. Organized by VSUZH - University of Zurich Student Association:
Elected representative at IPMB’s Department Assembly: None (vacant)
Junior Academics (WNW): PhD candidates at UZH and researchers in junior academic positions (student assistants, postdocs, teaching and research assistants, senior teaching and research assistants). Organized by VAUZ - Association of Junior Researchers:
Elected representative at IPMB’s Department Assembly: Dr. Edouard Tourdot
Senior Researchers and Teaching Staff (FFL): academic associates, attending physicians, teaching staff with a private-law employment contract, and teaching staff who are remunerated according to a posting agreement. Organized by VFFL - Association of Senior Researchers and Teaching Staf:
Elected representative at IPMB’s Department Assembly: Dr. Kyle Bender
Administrative and Technical Staff (ATP): people employed at UZH who are generally not involved in research and teaching. Organized by V-ATP - Association of Administrative and Technical Staff:
Elected representative at IPMB’s Department Assembly: Dr. Lena Stransfeld
Importantly, the representative body organizations are self-organized in a bottom-up fashion, and thus the IPMB Leadership is not involved at all in their elections or their functioning. Questions related to body organization or functioning should thus be addressed to the body associations or the elected IPMB representatives.